Certification in Behavioral Sleep Medicine


Promoting excellence in Behavioral Sleep Medicine is central to the mission of Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

Formal credentialing in behavioral sleep medicine is an important way for professionals to objectively demonstrate a standard of knowledge to the public, industry, and other healthcare professionals. SBSM is committed to fostering the growth of BSM training broadly and BSM certification in particular.

From 2003-2008, the American Board of Sleep Medicine administered a credential examination in BSM for licensed doctoral-level healthcare providers. Following the completion of the 2008 examination cycle, the administration of the certification examination in behavioral sleep medicine was transferred to the American Board of Sleep Medicine (ABSM), an independent examining body.

The last BSM certification exam was administered in 2014. Learn more about BSM certification by the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

The Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (BBSM) is an independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote excellence in the multidisciplinary field of Behavioral Sleep Medicine through administering and granting credentials that are recognized throughout the world as signifying a high level of competence within health-related fields for the practice of behavioral sleep medicine. The BBSM establishes the requirements for certification and sets the standards for its examinations to ensure its credentials represent dedication to a high level of knowledge and competence in patient care.  The BBSM is dedicated to certifying a measure of expertise providing a standard of excellence by which the public, government and regulatory agencies, and health care organizations can identify skill and expertise. For more information click on www.bsmcredential.org

 Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Update - July 2019

On behalf of the BBSM, I invite you to join your CBSM holder colleagues and take advantage of this dedicated pathway to becoming a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine. With this application, CBSM holders will be exempted from taking the current BSM examination provided they otherwise meet DBSM eligibility criteria.

For more information visit the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

As you know, after the CBSM was discontinued by the American Board of Sleep Medicine the BBSM was formed as an independent credentialing board dedicated to BSM credentialing The BBSM is currently in the process of pursuing accreditation of its certification program to enhance recognition of the DBSM by health care organizations.

Different from your CBSM, the DBSM has been developed according to current regulatory standards for accreditation of credentialing programs by the National Commission for Credentialing Agencies. This requires verified continuing education to attain and maintain credentials. The BBSM believes this level of credential standard is essential in that it is increasingly expected by health care organizations and insurers.

If you have not completed enough CE hours over the past five year to apply now, you have time. The Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (SBSM) hosts a number of online, webinar and in-person training opportunities throughout the year. This includes the SBSM Scientific Conference to be held September 12-15, 2019 in Birmingham, AL. For more information about the conference view the schedule at https://behavioralsleep.org

CBSM holder application and information can be found at www.bsmcredential.org. Please feel free to reach out to Kathryn Hansen, our BBSM executive director at info@bsmcredential.org if you would like further assistance or to answer any additional questions you may have.

With warm regards,

Michael Schmitz, PsyD, DBSM
President, Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine


Credentialing Exam Updates - May 2019

BSM Certification Update - Application Opens June 1st for BSM Exam!

If you are not able to meet the application deadline for the first exam, fear not! The exam will be administered every six months with theI am thrilled to announce that online  application for the BSM certification examination will open on June 1, 2018. The first examination is scheduled for September 15-29, 2018 at over 300 testing sites in the US and Canada.  The application deadline for the first BSM exam is July 15, 2018.   If you are not able to meet the application deadline for the first exam, fear not! The exam will be administered every six months with the second exam scheduled for March 16-30, 2019.

A new Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (BBSM) will have oversight over the BSM exam and certification. Its website is currently under construction which will include a certification handbook and other tools to guide you through the application process.  The credential to be granted by the BBSM will be the DBSM (Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine). 

In the meantime, for information about the exam, certification, and what you need to do to prepare go to https://www.behavioralsleep.org/index.php/member-resources/society-of-behavioral-sleep-medicine-credentialing-exam. 

For those planning on attending SLEEP 2018 in Baltimore, join us for a BSM Certification Exam Information Session on Saturday June 2 from 11:30 -12:30 pm as part of the SBSM conference and awards reception.  If  you have other questions, please feel free to direct them to kathryn@behavioralsleep.org and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Warm Regards,
Mike Schmitz, PsyD, CBSM
Chair, BSM Certification Implementation Workgroup