A Better Sleep
Starts with You
Achieve the Quality Sleep That You Deserve
Do you Snore? Do you hate wearing CPAP? There may be a solution for you. Do you suffer from Insomnia or grind your teeth at night. Do you suffer chronic headaches or facial pain?
A Better Sleep is the only clinic in the Interior of BC limiting practice to Dental Sleep Medicine. We use customised Oral Appliances made in Canada for the treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Ask us how we may help you or someone you care about.
Ask us the questions you need answers to:
Do I really need anything done ?
Is my problem affecting my body, my health, my mouth and/or my teeth ?
What happens if I don’t do anything ?
What are my benefits if the problem is resolved ?
What are my choices and how much does therapy cost?
How long does it take before I benefit ?
How long do the benefits last ? Do I have to do anything ?
Does it hurt and are there any associated problems ?
Will it work for me, what happens if it doesn’t ?
We can start to put these questions into an understandable perspective for you. “You need to know what you need to know” - and that’s before you start any kind of Medical or Dental care - this is your right. This way, you can make a choice based on what’s right and best for you.
Dental Appliances
Do you Snore, are you struggling with CPAP - or are you simply curious about your options? A Dental Appliances may be your solution. Ask us about how an oral appliance may help you get a better and healthier sleep - and enjoy your day better too! .
Book A Consultation Today
Oral Appliances Therapy is proven as the best treatment to stop snoring and may be a frontline, comfortable solution for patients who suffer from sleep apnea. Ask us if this might be a solution for you.